Business Litigation

Our attorneys represent businesses and businesspeople in litigation regarding all aspects of the business and commercial environment. Our business attorneys have a unique blend of financial and business expertise, litigation experience, scrappiness and persistence which makes us extremely effective in this area. We have a record of significant success.
We fight for the rights of businesses whose rights have been violated, or who have not been paid for the work that they have performed or the products or services they have provided. We also defend businesses which have been sued by other businesses, their customers, or their employees. We represent businesses and business owners in disputes between the owners of businesses.
We handle a wide range of litigation from wrongful interference by third-parties in economic relationships to theft of services inventory, trade secrets, collateral and funds. Other examples of our attorneys’ commercial litigation experience include: Disputes among business owners in state and federal court throughout New Jersey, collection of unpaid accounts receivable, contractor, disputes, fraud, commercial real estate and leasing disputes, breach of non-competition and non-solicitation agreements.
In short, we represent companies in disputes in all phases their life cycle. We work as a team with the business’s owners and managers. We view them as partners in our efforts. We constantly look at what is in best interests of the business and its people.
Our attorneys represent businesses in all phases of disputes including negotiations, mediation, arbitration, litigation, trials and bankruptcy. We have a record of considerable success in all phases of business litigation.
Business litigation is driven by competing concerns. Businesses need to set an example that they are not “easy marks” so they do not encourage employees or businesses to sue them. Likewise, when they have been wronged, they may be out significant sums of money which need to be covered. On the other hand, businesses are not in the business of litigation – litigation is stressful, time-consuming, and costly. Every business and every businessperson has different needs and weighs these considerations differently. Therefore, at every step in the litigation process we work with the owners and managers who run the business to be cognizant that their needs are what drives the litigation strategy. Our New Jersey commercial litigation attorneys are focused on our clients’ needs.
Our business litigation attorneys have represented a wide range of businesses in many industries from sole proprietorships to international corporations. For example, we have represented computer and telecommunications companies, international banks, railroads, garbage companies, and real estate developers.
It is important to remember that many business disputes could be avoided if there was a well-drafted contract in the first place. A good contract should try to anticipate problems and spell out resolutions before they occur; they should be written to minimize the chance that a misunderstanding will cause a lawsuit. Thus, while our business attorneys routinely handle a wide-range of business litigation, we are always available to draft or negotiate contracts in the first place.
Our business attorneys fight for the rights of businesses throughout the state. Please contact one of our experienced lawyers by e-mail or call (973) 890-0004 to obtain assistance