Construction Litigation

McLaughlin & Nardi’s attorneys are experienced construction litigators. We represent construction contractors, subcontractors, investors, developers, lenders, suppliers and property owners in a wide range of construction litigation.
Dispute Resolution
We first attempt to resolve disputes in the swiftest and most cost-efficient means possible. Our attorneys have significant experience successfully negotiating and mediating construction disputes. Maurice McLaughlin, in fact, has been appointed as a mediator by the Superior Court of New Jersey in many construction mediations.
Construction Litigation
Sometimes, however, disputes cannot be resolved, in which case our experienced New Jersey construction litigation attorneys aggressively pursue all claims and defenses on our clients’ behalf. Our New Jersey construction attorneys litigate in state and federal court, and in the American Arbitration Association and other arbitration forums.
Our attorneys are experienced in handling litigation over all phases of construction projects, from disputes over interpretation of contracts, to suits over their breach. We represent owners, managers and contractors in construction defect cases and bond litigation. Our attorneys also help contractors collect their fees, including filing construction liens on the property at the construction site. Construction projects are complex, costly undertakings. When disputes arise, it is important to have an experienced New Jersey construction attorney in your corner.
Construction Arbitration
Arbitration is an alternative forum in which to pursue construction law claims. In arbitration evidence is presented to the trier of fact, who will make a decision, just as in litigation. However, in arbitration the decision is made by an arbitrator instead of a judge or jury. The rules of evidence are relaxed in construction arbitration, and there is limited discovery, both of which tend to lower overall costs and time. Also, unlike a verdict in a trial, normally an arbitration decision cannot be appealed. Our litigators have achieved significant success in construction arbitration.
Construction Industry Employment Law
We also represent contractors and construction companies. Employment laws regarding classification and payment of employees are stringent. We represent construction industry employers in defense of claims that employees were misclassified as independent contractors or that they were not properly paid. We also represent construction employers in suits for discrimination, retaliation, wrongful termination, and breach of contract. We have extremely experienced employment lawyers who can assist your firm in all aspects of their employer-employee relations.
Construction Liens
One of the most significant areas of construction law is the ability of a contractor, subcontractor or vendor to file a construction lien on the property on which it worked to compel payment while a suit is pending. Construction liens inhibit the property owner’s ability to sell it or obtain financing, so it often results in a quicker resolution to the dispute, and thus faster payment. However, the procedural rules governing construction liens are strict, and they come with significant penalties for violations. Our construction law attorneys have used construction liens to great success for contractors and subcontractors.
Contact Us
Our New Jersey construction litigation lawyers represent owners, contractors, subcontractors, developers, lenders, investors, in construction litigation. To obtain assistance, email us or call one of our New Jersey construction litigation attorneys at (973) 890-0004. We can help.